
Flea Exterminator

Flea Exterminator

Flea Exterminator

Fleas are not only one of the most common pests that can make their way into our homes, but they are also among the smallest. It’s not uncommon for people to see signs of an infestation without seeing the bug themselves. As one of the pests that exists almost everywhere, there are more than 2,000 different species. Luckily only around 12 commonly bite humans. The Cat Flea is the most common species that cause trouble. While they prefer pets, this pest will feed on any warm-blood mammal that is available, including humans, especially when newly hatched.

Their life cycle consists of four different stages - egg, larvae, pupa, and adult. They move through this very quickly, usually 20 days on average. Once an egg is laid, it hatches within just a few days. They move through the larvae and pupae stages in a week or two before becoming adults capable of reproducing. A single female has the potential to carry thousands of eggs, which makes them such a prolific problem. They feed multiple times a day if possible, and Cat Fleas cannot reproduce without blood.

In most cases, a bite only causes minor skin irritation, redness, and itching. However, some people are allergic to bites, specifically the saliva, which can cause a more substantial immune reaction. Many significant health risks associated with them can be passed to your pets. They are a common cause of parasitic tapeworm infections in cats and dogs, which can become life-threatening if not addressed. In rare instances, people may also be susceptible (mostly due to ingesting one in the infectious stage). 

Flea allergic dermatitis, a severe reaction to bites that occur only in pets and is one of the top reasons pet owners seek veterinary care. Symptoms include extreme scratching, often to the point of broken skin. One way to help identify an infestation is by checking your pet. Flea dirt, which is comprised of feces and blood, is often seen on your pet’s skin as black dots or clumps. You can check to verify that it is dirt by exposing it to water. If it turns reddish brown action should be taken.

They are recognized by their characteristic jumping ability, which may make them appear to be flying even though they do not have wings. Some species can jump nearly a foot. Most bites occur on the ankles and legs, as they are the most accessible parts of the body for them to reach. They have also been tied to some of the most devastating epidemics in human history, specifically the plague and flea-borne typhus. While the rare case still occurs, this is mostly a problem in the southwest part of the United States.

If you think you have a flea infestation, contact us at Bug Off Pest Pros. With over ten years of experience, bugs don’t stand a chance. We stay up to date on the newest procedures and products so that we can continue to provide exceptional pest control at an affordable price, customer satisfaction guaranteed. Call us today for a free estimate.

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